Belated Updates!

The past couple of weeks have been busy but not particularly interesting. I’ve been working on finishing my current projects and thinking about future projects.

I took a little bit of a break from Scooter Trek. I was rushing a bit and some other things popped up that I needed to work on so it seemed like a good time to step back. Four of them are finished and another four are in varying states of progress. One of them is completely undone because I haven’t liked any of the sketches I’ve made for it. I have a feeling they’ll all be done at the end of the month except for that one.Scooter Trek I

I’ve also been doing some prep work for the City of Night event coming up next week. If you missed my first post, City of Night is an artist night with art on display, arts and crafts for sale, and various activities for those in a creative mood. I’ll have 16×20 framed prints of my photography on display and for sale. I also have smaller 8×10 prints for sale that I think I’ll take along with me. And last week I found a cool display box for the photo note cards I made, so I’ll bring those with me as well. I’m not quite sure how the set up is actually going to be, but everything I have is pretty portable, so I don’t think it would hurt to have it all with me. This is my first time going to this event so I’m pretty excited.

Note Cards

Later today I’m planning to start work on this year’s scooter rally logo for Missouri Loves Company! I have a really fun idea to work with and a pretty solid design concept rolling around in my brain so hopefully it won’t take me too long to execute. I’m also hoping to get out and shoot some photos this afternoon. Yesterday was absolutely gorgeous, but I was doing a lot of errands and running about so I didn’t actually get home until just past sunset.

I think that’s all for now! I’ll be sure to post some photos from City of Night next week along with whatever projects I manage to finish!