One week later!

Scooter in the Park

Hey, I didn’t forget my first weekly update! I’ve been keeping pretty busy lately, so it’s almost a wonder that I didn’t. This week, I did some illustration work, some design work and fiddled around with my Etsy shop a bit. Yesterday, I even managed to get out and about and take some photos.

I worked on sketching faces for the next set of Scooter Trek drawings.These drawings started out as a fun way to get some practice in drawing vehicles and working with different methods of inking but I liked the first two so much I decided I wanted to do a complete set of them. I combined the first two into one drawing to experiment with colors and I’m still planning to complete them as individual illustrations as well. The experimental one is still in progress. Because it was practice, I didn’t bother taping the edges off or priming the paper as you might notice. I kind of wish I had because it would just look nicer. Note to self: Don’t be a lazy artist.

I saw a process video of an artist creating beautifully detailed portraits with a pointillism technique so I wanted to try that with my background to make it a bit more interesting. It’s time consuming but I think the end effect will be pretty fun. I’m discovering that my almost decade old Tombow brush markers are not only still viable, but also pretty amazing to work with in conjunction with the watercolors. I used those in combination with copic multiliners to lay down layers of dots on top of the watercolor washes in the background.

Scooter Trek Detail

The design work I did was…. business cards! I kind of love doing business cards, I think because they’re small scale and even though the basic information on them is mostly the same, there are so many ways to design them. I made new ones for myself because even though I still have a bunch of my old ones, the phone number on them was outdated. The new design is an adaptation of the old design which I liked a lot, but I’m a little disappointed with them because of the overall quality. It’s not terrible, but old ones were just so much nicer and had a satin finish. I suppose you get what you pay for though—the cost was about half as much so maybe next time I’ll splurge.

business cards

Britkamo business cards, generation 2.

And a small task, I made a new greeting card and added it to my Etsy shop. I took this photo while I was in Cancun visiting an aquarium. Starfish are pretty cool creatures and I really loved the colors and the contrast on this one against the blue.

You're my star.

Eres mi estrella

Then yesterday I went to the park to take some photos, it was such a nice day and although it seems like we’re getting more of those, I couldn’t pass up the chance to get my camera out and go for a ride on my scooter on a 70 degree day in December. It was a little strange because I was still expecting to be a little chilly, but I quickly realized that layering my jacket over my hoodie was still way too warm! It’s a little scary when its basically winter but feels like a warm summer day—at least on this side of the hemisphere.

Scooter in the Park

Scooter in the Park

Got a lot more things planned for this week and OMGee… even if winter isn’t— Christmas is coming. That was my super vague reference to Game of Thrones and how unprepared I always feel for the holidays. And speaking of scooters and holidays and Etsy, I decided to make a treasury of the coolest scooter stuff I found, Scooter Swag. About half this stuff might as well be my own wish list…. in general, I think some of the stuff in shops is pretty neat but it still perturbs me when I see scooters listed as mopeds and makes me not want to buy stuff, so I tried to choose listings that were accurate in their descriptions. Unsurprisingly a few listings were from across the pond.

Here’s hoping next week will be just as productive as the last. See you then!